Hongyun Tong Network Co. Ltd.
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Contact person: Mr. Hong
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- 作者:
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- 日期: 2014-11-28
- 浏览次数: 166次

Maskless Lithography Company's initial public launch of a new printed circuit board can be improved (PCB) production threshold direct-write digital imaging technology. The MLI-2027 direct-write lithography system for the first time in the industry while achieving high accuracy, high productivity and high yield , and using the standard " non-laser direct imaging (Non-LDI)" resists.
This piece of equipment sold marks our five-year research and development efforts have borne fruit , in 2005 , by virtue of Maskless Lithography Company co-founder in the field of lithography and test experience , found to be the development of a huge market for PCB value lithography system .
MLI-2027 is a high efficiency , high-yield PCB production system , by providing a more cost-effective lithography technology to improve the profitability of PCB manufacturers . This lithography technology and other products on the market , compared with a higher yield and return on investment. Based on a patented grayscale imaging (GLI) technology, which MLI-2027 product in the traditional dry film resist (dry film resists) with ultra-high printing speed , while for distortion correction.
MLI-2027 so that we can use the traditional products in the conventional dry film resist (dry film resists) to realize a highly challenging design that also has high yield and high productivity .
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Free hotline: 4000662331 Shenzhen City, the housing Yi Fen Garden (Buji Dafen MTR station exit A1) URL:www.61916.com