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- 作者: admin
- 来源: networ
- 日期: 2014-11-28
- 浏览次数: 136次

On the LED industry , the next year, demand for LED lighting stunning , but the price is still under pressure . In addition to price pressures , the Korean LED manufacturers from Taiwan businessmen need competitive pressures faced greater challenges.
2014 , LED lighting will serve as the main chip growth , production value will be directly approaching LED backlight, but the competition from manufacturers in China and South Korea did not reduce the next two years , LED industry will continue to appear horizontal or vertical consolidation trend, chip prices will continue to lower, for this case , chip makers to respond only to reduce costs .
Fabs have from product design, manufacturing process improvements , with a minimum of materials to make high-performance LED, free package wafer , high-pressure HV LED is expected to become two major trends , especially HV LED can replace a power driver IC , not only extend the life of the chip LED bulbs accounted for 30% of the cost can be reduced to 20% , with today's technology can already make products 200 lumens per watt .
The industry estimates that in 2014 the output value of LED lighting will grow double. However, integration into the 2014-2016 LED industry development , in addition to the integration of upstream and downstream , the same industry consolidation may also occur.
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