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  • 作者: admin
  • 来源: network
  • 日期: 2014-11-28
  • 浏览次数: 132
PCB practical operating skills-prototype pcb

Here is the process I use PCB (prototype pcb) PCB accumulation down tips, techniques are now listed in the PCB . I am very professional writing skills without words , I hope these tips will help users of the PCB (prototype pcb) .


1 , Component label automatically generated labels canceled or existing components again Tools Tools | Annotate ... Comments All Part: generate labels for all components Reset Designators: remove all components label


2, single panel settings : Design Design | Rules ... Rules | Routing layers Toplayer Make Any Make NotUsed Bottomlayer


3 , automatic routing set before the power cord Bold Design Design | Rules ... Rules | Width Constraint increase : NET, select the network name VCC GND, linewidth rough set


4, PCB packaging updates, as long as in the original package within a pop-up window on the right footprint to new package No.(prototype pcb)


5,100 mil = 2.54mm; 1mil = 1/1000Inch


6 , the shortcut key "M", the drop-down menu of Dram Track End drag pull the PCB connection endpoint ==== end point to continue the connection.


7, the positioning holes placed in KeepOutLayer layer ( ban wiring layer ) draw a circle , Place | Arc ( circle arc ) center, then adjust the radius and position

8 , set the drawing parameters Design | Options | Sheet Options

( 1 ) Set Paper Size : Standard Sytle selection

( 2 ) Set drawing direction : Orientation Options ---- Landscape ( Xiaoping direction ) ---- Portrait ( vertical direction )

( 3 ) set the drawing title bar (Title BlocK): Choose Standard for the standard , ANSI as an American National Standard Institute

( 4 ) Set the display reference frame Show Reference Zones

( 5 ) Set the display drawing border Show Border

( 6 ) Set the display graphics drawing templates Show Template Graphics

( 7 ) Set drawing grid Grids locking grid Snap On, set the Visible visual grid

( 8 ) is set automatically find the electrical node


10 , component rotation : Space key: the selected element rotated 90 in the PCB (prototype pcb) inverted devices ( such as digital tube ) , check the original forward device , drag or select the state , X button : around the element swap ( horizontal ); Y key: the element down swap ( vertical )


Later there will be more and pcb prototype PCB 's Tips update , please sustained attention. Enough for describing the right place , but also hope to be corrected !

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