Hongyun Tong Network Co. Ltd.
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Contact person: Mr. Hong
Shenzhen Buji (Dafen MTR station exit A1)
- 作者: admin
- 来源: network
- 日期: 2014-11-28
- 浏览次数: 127次

Dialog six continents in the world has 600 IC design R & D personnel , is the world 's largest power management professional design team and the company 72% of the employees are designers . Meanwhile, the company is now an urgent need for new designers to join, especially in mixed-signal design staff.
Currently , Dialog power management design center is busy with the study of solid state lighting IC design . Dialog released the latest LED backlight driver power iW7025, Dialog's target market will expand to LED TV backlight power management.
LED TVs are often faced with a major challenge - how to dramatically reduce motion blur phenomena and improve contrast , while the traditional LED drive power typically require complex calculations and algorithms to configure the LED current phase , in order to allow the LCD panel backlight to achieve the best synchronization with the video refresh rate .
To this end , Dialog has introduced BroadLED technical specifications consistent with existing TV power system to meet the voltage adjustable , controllable , no separate voltage source . Also to reduce component costs , and can be in the same model in the case , for different sizes to meet the requirements of medium to large screens . Dialog AnyMode dimming the patent in a continuous , discontinuous PWM signal so that the same or a higher frequency fully synchronized with the video , reducing design complexity.
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Free hotline: 4000662331 Shenzhen City, the housing Yi Fen Garden (Buji Dafen MTR station exit A1) URL:www.61916.com