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- 作者: admin
- 来源: netword
- 日期: 2014-11-28
- 浏览次数: 119次

From the 15th China International Optoelectronic Exposition (CIOE) leading LED display manufacturers introduced using a small 2.0mm to 2.5mm pitch splicing technology, large- size high-definition display , you know LED commercial display screen " ultra high-definition , ultra- thin, high-contrast "trend .
These large screen size in inches between 100-400 , and with the previous LCD splicing technology, using this technology display lamp beads arranged in uniform , almost no trace of stitching , and the brightness and higher resolution , full color more structured .
Small pitch stitching has become the inevitable trend of commercial LED screen . Exhibition on display at the point of 2.0mm pitch products , and some manufacturers have indicated can theoretically achieve 1.4mm
Staff said that in order to achieve true "seamless" stitching can be set to pitch 3.9mm, 5.2mm, 6.25mm and 7.8mm and other specifications , this way, the completion of a module and cabinet after splicing , ensure equal between the cabinet and cabinet space , so that it can achieve true "seamless" stitching .
Small pitch technology is not easy , there are still many challenges. The first is that the quality of LED lamp itself , IC selection, packaging, testing and manufacturing process of the control , etc., some a link error all bets are off . It is understood that these LED display IC products use more domestic companies , but also in part from the Japanese company, can achieve high quality standards ; secondly , that the light beads fit technology, this part done, hundreds inch screen intermediate cracks will appear , the entire display is compromised .
Currently, the entire LED industry competition harsh environment , various display companies began to create his own advantage card. In the business model , and are based on the sale and leasing of various forms , mainly used in the plaza, stage , playgrounds, roads or buildings advertisements. Overall, the small pitch splicing technology has allowed oversized outdoor commercial display to achieve a " light " and " high definition " , and this trend continues.
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